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Can you multiply 998 x 843 in 5 seconds if no, Learn Vadic Maths

Vedic Maths

Vedic math is a remarkable technique that assists children’s and students to perform basic arithmetic calculations quickly and accurately. Developing a child’s intellect is very vital; the basics should be clear and concrete. Vedic math helps in assembling all the essentials to build a Childs’ mental calculation capability. It captures the interests of a child by using different techniques and making the problem as a solution.

Vedic Mathematics is the name given to the ancient system of Indian Mathematics which was rediscovered from the Vedas between 1911 and 1918 by Sri Bharati Krsna Tirthaji (1884-1960). According to his research all of mathematics is based on sixteen Sutras, or word-formulae. For example, 'Vertically and Crosswise` is one of these Sutras. These formulae describe the way the mind naturally works and are therefore a great help in directing the student to the appropriate method of solution.

Vedic math classes can be started with children at kindergarten till they are about ten years old. The training is a very popular way to enhance mathematical skills. Vedic math starts at a basic level of numbers and slowly progresses towards simple additions, subtractions, multiplications and division. Moreover, it goes much more beyond the basic calculations. Also a child can solve complex algebraic problems and geometrical theorems. Vedic math practice/ training can also be started at later ages as well without any difficulty. Though the child or student needs to enjoy the Vedic math education, training process, only then he / she will actually be able to benefit and get advantage from this training course. This method triggers the right as well as the left side of the brain, which helps in calculating high and lengthy calculations very easily. Vedic math fosters concentration and sharpens the memory of a child and enhances the visualization capability.

Concept of Vedic Math

Indians with their rich heritage and intellectual insights have contributed a lot to the world since time immemorial. It has led the world with its major contribution to the realm of science. One such wonderful and almost magical contribution is the concept of Vedic Mathematics.

The most powerful yet modest aspect of Vedic Math is the coherence. Anybody trying to grasp Vedic Math will sooner or later realize that it inter relates different concept of math into one holistic view. You could be learning a new method to multiply two four digit numbers and with a slight modification you could also divide the two to get a quotient.

Children these days dread Math, to most of them it comes as a monster visiting them every day at school in form of regular lectures or worse in form of tests!

Imagine asking you to derive the product of 324 and 475 with a condition that you need to do the same without the help of a calculating device. We are sure that half the viewership of this information will not even try doing it, the ones who are courageous enough will search for a pen and paper and further only a few out of those courageous ones will actually produce a valid result. Now what if we say using some common methods taught in Vedic Math you could conjure the answer not in minutes but astonishingly in a few seconds!, Yes such is the power of Vedic Math. If taught to a child in the initial years it will be a friend that will be helping your child all throughout his or her life. The best aspect of Vedic Math is that it can be learnt by any person of any age, requires no formal training and the only pre requisite to get acquainted with it is ‘willingness’ and a little hard work to practice whatever is being taught.

Starting early in the initial years of a childhood, a child can benefit galore from the same. It was seen in a recent survey conducted on children between the age groups of 4 to 14, children who were previously trained on Vedic Math responded better and could relate more to the higher concept of mathematics such as Linear Equations, Algebra etc.

But as a word of caution, one should be skeptical about choosing the proper institute teaching Vedic Math, though it is India which gives the world the deeply respected Vedic Math, it is surprising to find that the country itself does not have many Vedic Math classes or Vedic Math training institutes, and out of the few institutes present there are only a handful which are of a repute and are exclusively teaching Vedic Math.

Benefits of Vedic maths:

  • It helps a person to solve mathematical problems 10-15 times faster.
  • It creates interest towards mathematics.
  • It will be beneficial throughout lifetime
  • It helps in Intelligent Guessing (Knowing the answer without actually solving the problem)
  • It is a magical tool to reduce scratch work and finger counting and improve Mental Calculation.
  • It increases concentration.
  • It improves confidence.
  • It reduces burden (Need to learn tables up to nine only).
  • The development of creativity at a young age is helpful towards understanding advanced concepts
  • It can be applied even for numbers beyond 10 digits
  • Saves time during Examination
  • It is easy to check all text book problems
  • While cross checking answers, it can be used as alternate method to travel and rectify mistake
  • Makes the students more comfortable to solve the sums event if they know tables up to 9 only.
  • Reduces finger counting & improves mental calculation.
  • Enhance logical thinking process.
  • Makes the student more confidantes, with knowledge and high self esteem.
  • Extends better and much improved academic performance in school and instant result.
  • Sharpens the mind increases mental ability and intelligence.
  • Provides completes system comprising all the benefits of mental Maths.
  • Cultivates an interest on Maths and eliminates the Maths-phobia.
  • Helps easy to understand, easy to apply and easy to remember.
  • Increasing speed and accuracy.
  • Saves time during examination.
  • Assures a zero error technique.
  • Amazing Speed Maths will be beneficial throughout lifetime.
  • Amazing Speed Maths is a zero error technique.

Vadic Mathematics Teachers Training course

Description: This 9 week certificated course (36 lessons) is for those who have some teaching experience (it does not have to be in mathematics) and who wish to teach the Vedic system.

The video lessons can be watched at any convenient time during the week. The Course is conducted entirely online with weekly Tests, Discussion Meetings (1 per Level) and Assignments (1 per Level).

Video lessons can be watched and weekly Tests which can be taken at any convenient time during the week. No prior knowledge of Vedic Mathematics is required. There is also a lively discussion forum where ideas and comments are exchanged.

Please note the course is not designed to be easy: of those who enroll some do not stay to finish the course and some do not reach the required level to pass. If you are not serious about becoming a certified Vedic Maths teacher do not apply for this course.

There is a small application fee, and the opportunity to give a donation at the end; no other costs. The Advanced Diploma course is available to those who successfully complete the full course.

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