One-to-One or Group Coaching
By : Jeetender Kumar
Spritual Healer , Reiki Master, Javedaan Master, Hypnotist & NLP Practioner, Herbal Consultant, Acupressure Expert, Aromatherapy Expert and Motivational Speaker.
Treats: Backache, Muscular Pains, Arthritis, Migraine, Depression, Anxiety, Stress and other Psychological Problems.
Special Topics: Health Guide, Beauty & Ageing, Hypnotism, Palmistry, Reiki & Javedaan, Mind Power
Would YOU like to be coached and know as how to:
- Build a better life and have a successful career with the help of NLP?
- Have a happy and peaceful mind, body, business and relationships?
- Grow as much as your heart desires and get assistance in extending
the boundaries of your mind to access your highest potential with the help of your subconscious mind power?
He draws on all of his experience to assist his clients in achieving their goals in life, and the happiness that they desire and deserve.
Perhaps you already have a clearly defined goal in life, but are having difficulty achieving it. Or, maybe you only have a general idea of what you want;
more peace of mind,
Inner Strength to cope up with day to day problems,
financial freedom etc,
Restore your energy and get rid of unnecessary stress and strain.
And the only thing you are sure of is that what you are doing is not getting you where you want to be.
Perhaps you are struggling with the effects of past experiences or traumas which have undermined you confidence and self esteem, leaving you with a feeling of helplessness and negative thoughts about your future.
Whatever is your situation, whether you are just starting out, somewhere along the road, or unsure if you are on the right road for you, He can help you to achieve your desired objectives?
With the understanding and skill you will learn from his online courses, you will discover what you really want, and what you can do to make the journey easier, more productive and ultimately successful.
Now you can learn to:
- To access your inner strength for increasing your self confidence.
- How to create harmony between Your Conscious, Subconscious mind and the body.
- To access your inner peace for a successful communications with others.
- Live a life full of happiness.
- Recapture the energy that stress drains from you and use it to your benefit.
Learn Now
Step by step on-line home study , Teleconferencing and through Personal Coaching as:
How to access your Authentic Power to achieve effortless success in all areas of your life
You will be assisted in tapping into the power within yourself, accessing your true worth, happiness and success, to help you in your daily life.
Topics will include the following:
- Use of Your Subconscious power for achieving your desired goals & objectives.
- The techniques for balancing your body’s energy.
- Different meditation techniques.
- The Art of Visualization and how to do visualization for maximum effect and outcome.
- How to find your passion in life, and transform your life to make your passion- the primary source of income and satisfaction.
- Navigating Your Future.
- How to set up and have a successful marketing business?
- Keys to success.
- How to create Hypnotic Rapport with the others.
- Commnication Styles & precision Communication.
- Hypnotic & Persuasive Language.
- Leadership Mindset.
- How to achieve and tap into Universal Energy for effortless happiness and prosperity
- How to develop and use your 6th sense.
This coaching can be achieved from your comfort. All you need is access to a phone. We will also be in touch by e-mail as often as is reasonably needed.
Services for Children
- Brain waves Scaning
- Best learning Methodology
- Special Teacher training program.
- Fast calulations using Advanced Abacus techniques
- Vedic Methematics
- Handwriting Improvement using Calligraphy
- Left and Right Brain Dominance
- Sharpen Logical thinking
- Quantum speed reading
For professionals
- Object Driven/Concept Driven life style
- Work life balancing
- Motivational Leaving rules
- Use of Subconcious Mind
- Know your real Strengths
- Photographic Memory
- Remove fear of Anything using (NLP)
- Remedies of all Issues
- Improve concentration and memory power