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Each student of your school will get First Division

Wisdom of Mind offer a specialized course, that is proven as a “Brain Development Program” for children. We provide a proven and research based academic program for schools that builds thinking skills & problem solving confidence in children.

Through this program schools teachers are better resourced and regularly trained, children have application practice workbooks for every subject in addition to textbook, assessment is on skills in addition to concepts, and the school leadership has a highly skilled education coach to consult with.

It is a boon for kids as it enables them not only to learn using left brain only but also to utilize all functions of both left and right brain. Kid empower with our specialized program ask more questions, can write in their own words, like doing word problems in mathematics, can complete their homework on their own, are not afraid to speak-up in English, persist longer in solving problems, and score well on tests.

WOM trained teachers begin a class by clearly stating the learning goal, ask children what they know already after that conduct a group activity or demonstrate an experiment , let children understand and explain before they do, ensure the “application questions” are done independently, assess daily, fiercely believe in practice and support each child individually.

We at Wisdom of Mind work in accordance with child’s psychology. We understand the importance of ‘play’ in a child’s life and implement playful methods in our lessons, so as to make their experience joyful and memorable translating into effective learning.

Services for Children

  • Brain waves Scaning
  • Best learning Methodology
  • Special Teacher training program.
  • Fast calulations using Advanced Abacus techniques
  • Vedic Methematics
  • Handwriting Improvement using Calligraphy
  • Left and Right Brain Dominance
  • Sharpen Logical thinking
  • Quantum speed reading

For Teachers

  • Object Driven/Concept Driven life style
  • Work life balancing
  • Motivational Leaving rules
  • Use of Subconcious Mind
  • Know your real Strengths
  • Special teaching methodoligies
  • Remove fear of Anything using (NLP)
  • Remedies of all Issues
  • Vadic maths teacher training