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Our Approach

We offer our varied services from Thought assessments, detailed diagnosis to thought-education for the human beings, caregivers and community. We provide the clients an opportunity to explore events and feelings that are painful, a way to recognize them and then an approach to handle them better. We offer an all-round treatment planfor BRAIN under one roof. We help individuals understand why they are experiencing symptoms of distress and guide them to cope with their stress in a therapeutic manner.

Thought-education is an integral part of therapeutic interventions as it helps the clients and their families comprehend their situation by informing them and explaining to them the condition faced by the afflicted. Thought-education is important in terms of the fact that it allows the client and his support system to deal with the condition from an informed position. The strength of Thought-education lies in the fact that it is a specific form of therapy which is tailored around individual’s health conditions leading to better physical conditions.

It is often difficult for the patients and their family members to accept the patient’s diagnosis, thought-education is strongly advised and integrated in Athoz’s broad approach and also has the function of contributing through an improved view of the causes and the effects of the illness. Through experience we know that thought-education frequently broadens the patient’s view of their illness and this increased understanding can positively affect the patient. The relapse risk is in this way lowered; patients and family members, who are more well-informed about the disease, feel less helpless.

Studies also show that the opportunity to naturally teach reading to children begins to gradually decline around the age of four years, and acquiring these important skills becomes more difficult as the child grows, making learning a tiresome chore. Our approach will give continuity of learning naturally.

The professional advice

  • Professional Guidence- Team of Experts, working on brain and behaviour for betterment of society.
  • Amazing Technology- spcialized techniques to imrove in all aspects of life.
  • Handwriting Improvement- Calligraphy For all age groups only 5 classes will improve handwriting.
  • Improving Concentraiton by time proven tehcniques and latest modren concepts- Enjoy enhanced concentration in all espects of life that gives manyfold advantages.
  • Improvement in long term memory- improved understanding of the ways of transfer of data from short term memory to long term memory in our brain.
  • Memory stacking techniques- Explain bottle necks ,revision time and the need based on memory linking theory 24hrs/ 7 days/ One month.

Pitfalls and challenges for a Student

  • Lack of Concentration- all children are born incusitive.
  • time mis-management
  • Friend circle (Common discussion)
  • Family time management (Surronding activities)
  • Teaching methodoligies (Memory sotrage patterns , to easy retravel, Make zest)
  • Brain receptivity
  • VAK theory, best learning method
  • Mentally preparation to study
  • Proper revision time
  • Perfomence of classmates
  • Confidence level

How we work.

  • Identify the brain's blueprint
  • find multiple intellegence
  • Photographic memory
  • Focus on point
  • Use maximum sense organs.
  • To know behaviour and personality
  • Existing method of study/Learning
  • seating Posture, distance of book, source of light.
  • Reading and writing speed analysis
  • Kypoints (improtant notes in books)
  • Introduce memory train concept
  • Right brain learning
  • Chanting methods
  • Smaller memory input packets
  • Special brain exercise to improve concentration
  • Special methods to improve memory retention.
  • Time mangement in school and after school
  • relization of improvement of brain power
  • Introducation of Mind Mapping
  • using mind mapping go-thru all books(whole syllabus).
  • Check efficiency level
  • Take test and improved result is there.